
The Gift

After more than 10 years in China, we have finally added the most significant and meaningful decoration of the Christmas holiday season – the scene of Nativity. All the main characters from baby Jesus, Joseph, Mary, the angel, 3 wise men and to some stable animals were given to us in figurine sets. But since the manger was conspicuously missing, my son Zek and I decided to add this to our homeschooling art projects by making one from glued popsicle sticks and taped cut papers that we later painted in brown color to add a semblance of natural manger outlook. It turned out to be nice and we added a battery-powered LED light to focus on the infant Jesus. My wife gave us her sweet smile and nod of approval after we completed it. At last, we set-up the scene on top of a small cabinet.

One by one, I described to my son the characters and the roles they played in the scene. Since it was the first time he heard about the three wise men, he was quite intrigued at the gifts they were offering to baby Jesus – gold, myrrh and frankincense, if I remember them right. I told him these were the best and most expensive gifts during that time.

A few days passed and I noticed something was added into our Nativity scene. Partly obscured by the paper grasses on the floor was a brown plastic thing beside the baby Jesus.

Pure joy enveloped me as I smiled to myself upon knowing what it was. It was Zek’s Lego treasure chest with all the gold plastic coins that he believes to be the best and most expensive part of his toy collection.

He was offering them to baby Jesus as well!

This coming Sunday will be the celebration of the feast of Christ The King which subsequently will be followed by the four Sundays of advent in preparation for the birth of our Lord.

Once again, it is timely to ask ourselves this question – what kind of gift can I offer to our Lord for the coming Christmas? What will be the best and most worthy offering can I lay down in front of Him who is my King and my Savior?

Most of us know it but I would rather repeat this for the benefit of those who have forgotten amidst the materialistic and busy world we now live in – the BEST and MOST WORTHY gift, sans the glossy wrappings and silk ribbon top décor, that we can give to our Lord on His birthday is our pure, humble and gracious hearts. Needless to say, we are His PRICELESS brothers and sisters that neither money, prestige or power can compare in value.

Jesus, the Giver who is also the Gift, is waiting in great anticipation for our personal gift this year.
Let us not let Him wait in vain.

God bless.