
To Pray - A Christian Battle - Part 2

First Armor: Humility

I woke up this morning and rush into the day

I have so much to accomplish that I did not have time to pray. 1

I would ashamedly admit that this has been my unconscious attitude towards prayer these past days, or should I correctly say, the past weeks. You see, my friend and I have been working out a business partnership for the past months yet we are still very much active in the daily grinds and grits of being employed. This basically translates to more late night bedtime and earlier waking time just to be able to squeeze time to catch up with the high demands of setting up our own business. Slowly, yet surely, my mind started to be more pre-occupied about looking for our suppliers, which products to test and offer, how to organize files and samples, how to improve marketing, how the office should look like, amongst other things. These personal brainstorming ideas started to invade even my prayer time that I find myself murmuring words and reading prayers in plain lip-service. I realized that my heart has found a new love –to have a successful business- in-the-making.

However, as the bible revealed that no man can serve two masters for he will love one and despise the other (Matthew 6:24), so too are we going to ignore God when we pray with a distracted heart.

We (though at this very moment, I am more inclined to emphasize the “I”) can not pray to God when our heart is full of distractions – family matters, business matters, money matters , personal matters and even non-essential matters (It is not far-fetched that you know someone who won’t last a day without Facebooking and Tweeting but can hardly have a silent moment of prayer?). Because just as you can not hear the soft blowing of the wind when your Ipod is in full audio blast, God’s voice in prayer will be a mute experience for those who are distracted.

The answer to these obstacles is not to solve the distractions (for sure that option will draw you more far away) but to simply go back to where your heart must truly belong to, first and foremost, which is to our God. He is the same God who assured us that if we seek His kingdom first, everything else will follow. Humble vigilance to this truth is the key because it remains that where your heart lies, therein lies your choice of love and loyalty.

I woke up this early this morning and pause before entering the day

I have so much to accomplish that I have to take time to pray 2

Prayer starts with humility.

1 2 excerpts from an intro line of a song in Servant of All CD

to be continued......Second Armor: Trust