
Sinfulness and Sickness

John 9:3 Jesus answered, “Neither he nor his parents sinned; it is so that the works of God might be made visible through him.”

Last January, I visited a close friend of mine. He suffered a debilitating stroke about 3 years ago but has made leaps and strides in his rehabilitation. The main problem to date, however, is that his left hand is still immobile. And because if this single impairment, his capacity to effectively keep his business running smoothly or gain employment is affected. To compound their financial woes, his family have to transfer to the inskirts of the city to rent a modest house after an argument with his in-laws.

I am happy because he still has faith in God and still got those funny punchlines in our conversation. But before I left, he showed me his other self which he hides away from his 3 young children and wife. He cried because he pitied his family that instead of him taking care and providing for their needs, it is his wife working hard and his children sacrificing a lot so that his medical and personal needs can be met. He wanted so much to get to his old back self and be the responsible father to their children.

There was a time when I was tempted to asked God if it is really my friend’s fault that led to his present condition. Does his family really deserve this trial simply because he loves to eat and was not totally conscious about his health condition?

Most of us are aware of God’s “just punishments” through the accounts of the old testament stories. It is easy for us to give subconscious nod of acceptance. We shrugged those things as “an accident waiting happen” which has a grain of truth especially if it contradicts nature and natural laws.

Jesus offered us a different perspective.
The apostles were tempted to ask whose fault it was for the man being born blind, but Jesus replied that it was nobody’s fault.
We must realized that it is not important to God whether our affirmities are caused by our sinfulness or not, because He can make us well inside out.
What God needs from us is that we let ourselves be ”seen” by Him, to follow His advice and to bring back the glory to Him.

The same friend gave me the answer to my question during my last visit – his condition was his own fault but he believes that God blessed him with his second life and despite his present difficulties, he is grateful to Him.

I can feel his determination to strive to recover fully and be God’s living testimony to the people around him.
I believe my friend because I am already a witness to his faith, struggles and all.

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