

As I was browsing through the pages of a Chinese reviewer for my upcoming written examination for a driver’s license, it reality struck me that despite having had a driving experience for a little over than 20 years, a lot of traffic signs are still too foreign for me to understand or even guess its meaning.

And just like what any driver would admit, traffic sign always play a vital role in ensuring a safe and fast way to reach one’s destination. Ignorance or even an honest mis-interpretation can only end either in getting lost and prolonging one’s journey or signing a violation ticket from a law-enforcer. Total disregard can inadvertently lead to accidents that may lead to a loss of limb or even life.

There are four main categories of these traffic signs – red warning signs, yellow proceed-with-caution signs, blue directions and green destination information. Each has a distinct color for a specific objective with some slight variations, yet with the same singular aim of helping us to reach our destination.

Road travel and life-travel are basically the same.

We are all travelers, voyagers, tourists, trekkers, movers, immigrants, nomads on this life. And just like any person on the move, we are always on the look-out for signs that will lead and keep us in the right path back to our eternal home. God, in His infinite wisdom, knows that without His guidance, without His “signs”, we will all turn out to be drifters and wanderers in this world, without the slightest hint of where we are or where we are headed.

Red signs

These are the clearest signs of all that needs our unequivocal obedience. Do not have other gods other than Him. Do not take His name in vain. Do not kill. Do not commit adultery. The demarcation line is drawn with utmost clarity. There is no “except” and “as long as” condition that follow each sign.

Yellow Signs

We have to admit that we live in a world of ambiguity that focuses on a singular person’s right over what is truthfully right. Abortion is optional. Gay marriage has a growing acceptance. Euthanasia is a form of merciful kindness, to name a few. Some people tend to blur the line between right and wrong based on a person’s “right to choose”. And for good people to keep silent, tolerant and almost indifferent when these things happen, we are definitely being called back to review and understand the red warning signs, to speak out and be heard against these veiled violations of God’s signs. We all need re-direction of our paths.

(Writer’s note: It is with these haziness and sometimes outright disregard during the interpretation of God’s signs that I am particularly glad to belong to the Catholic Church whose authority has been passed-on through centuries by the apostles under the headship of St. Peter. Because between my less-informed and sometimes confused conscience and these college of bishops (also known as the Magisterium) who devoted their entire lives to knowing God’s ways, I would rather listen, believe and obey the latter’s interpretation because God’s spirit undeniably works in them.)

Blue and Green Signs

As much as we need to know things to avoid, we also ought to know alternative things we must do in order to grow in spirit. We need directions of what is right and pleasing to God. Keep the Sabbath holy. Honor your parents. Pray. Give alms to the poor. Read the bible. Join and be active in a religious community. Offer your time and talent to the needy. Attend retreats and seminars. Reflect and contemplate on your purpose in the world.

We are all traveling on the same road of life, no doubt about that. But whether we are on the right track or have skirted off can only be determined by us when asking ourselves this important question – “Have I been following His signs and directions for my life?” If the answer to that question is a resounding “yes”, then we will be at peace. If it is an undeniable “no”, then we have the option to pause, stop, and trace back and correct our direction.

By ourselves alone, it may appear impossible to get back on track, but with God’s love and graces, the road to recovery, though narrow and bumpy, is very possible. Again, this road to salvation also requires following a critical sign, the one with the inverted red triangle.

I believe they call it “Yield”.

But for us who long to know our pathway to God, it simply means humility.

God bless.


Gimme Five

Zek just turned 5.

Forget Barney and the funny gang of Sesame Street.
Tele-tubbies and nursery rhymes are simply off-beat.
Instead make way for Spiderman and Fantastic Four,
Add Optimus Prime, Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda galore.

Throw in Kung Fu Panda and Master Shi Fu
Madagascar too though they don't eat "tofu"
Shooting hoops, riding bus, running fast and wild
Zek's zest for life is endless, he is my child.

Happy Birthday to my best bud!

We love you.


Happy Birthday, Mama

Happiness, good health and longer life is what we wish and pray for you today.
We love you.


Zek’s Prayer

Zek is nearly five years old but he sure can still make us laugh with his funny antics.
Here he proves to us again how he likes toys with his modified versions of prayers.

Scene 1

Zek: (praying the "Our Father")
Our Father in Heaven
Holy be Your name

Toy kingdom come

Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven....

Scene 2
Mama: Most sacred heart of Jesus

Zek: Have mercy on us

Mama: Mother Mary
Zek: Pray for us.

Mama: St. Peter
Zek: Pray for us.

Mama: St. Therese
Zek: Toy’s R Us. Amen

40 Years

Today, January 4, my wife and I have the great privilege to be with our parents as they celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. As our loving tribute to them we treated them to an eat-all-you-can restaurant near our place after more than a month of strict dietary meals that include fish and vegetable in cyclic rotation or combination (well, we always likened their China visit to a secluded retreat without access to any Philippine TV programs and certainly away from salty, fatty and sweet foods). So expectedly enough, Papa and Mama had had their succulent lunch to their hearts’ (and yummy tummys’) content. And just for good measure, we stayed in the restaurant for more than 2 hours for us to try most of the delicacies and desserts they have offered.

We capped off our lunch date with a lazy (our stomachs are still full, remember?) stroll and a short visit to the Jiuzhou Museum.

Later tonight, Papa and Mama gave their sentimental thanks after our prayer time before we finally went back to our respective rooms.

But just before sleeping, I found a few minutes to think about what our parent’s 40th anniversary means to me. The first thought is that, “Am I that old already?” (I sure beat you to that thought, huh) because I just realized that my age is now hovering and circling that neighborhood block called Life-at-40. Oh well. (with a deep sigh)

Anyway, what really captured my thought is how remarkable and inspiring it is to have parents who have stayed together this long not just for the misnomer concept of staying under one roof, but truly loving and blessing one another throughout and in their ongoing married lives. Without a doubt, they surely have their own ups and downs (try imagining bringing up 4 boys for starters) but they do can look back at their time with a beaming spirit of love, joy and peace in their heart and mind.

At this point I am tempted to ask them,” What is your secret to a fulfilling and successful marriage?” but I guess the answers have been impressed upon us ever since – love of God and love of spouse. These are the main ingredients. Respect, communication, fun, and commitment are secondary essentials. The rest are mere flavorings.

Thank you, Papa and Mama because you have been “treating” my brothers and I for years by being living proofs of what a sanctifying marriage is all about.

Congratulations po and we love you both.