


I am all smiles today because I just turned 40 years old.

And what amazing years it has been for me.

If I were to look back at each quarter of my 40-year life and select out my top 3 highlights, it should be these.

Years 0-10

1. I was born (yep, otherwise my 40 years in existence would have been totally moot) through my loving parents who guided and provided for me and my siblings through all these years.

2. I was baptized and confirmed into the Catholic religion which my parents have piously imparted through their devotions and integrity in both their public and personal lives.

3. I was untouchable, not because I was a toughie, but on the contrary, I was a sickly, asthmatically thin dark boy who shuffles from bed-rest to hospital wards with all kinds of ailments easily finding refuge in my weak body. This is why even the most despicable bully around would take pity on me.

Years 11-20

1. I entered the seminary for 3 years. On the first 2 years, I never had the inclination to pursue priesthood and instead willingly did or participated in unmeritorious activities, yet I was not expelled. On my 3rd year, I thought I felt the vocation only to be "regent-out" by the end of that school-year. I made a few half-hearted attempts to go back to no avail (Thank you, Lord for not choosing this vocation for me). Nevertheless, the training and experience there has been a good foundation for my present beliefs and thinking. And the friendship I established with some fellow seminarians have withstood the test of time.

2. I got involved and learned about a lot of adolescent stuffs and activities like - writing articles, reading books, playing table tennis (in 3 years of representing our class, I made 2 quick elimination round exits and managed a semi-final trip on my last), shooting hoops in basketball (I never made it to any varsity team though) and guitar playing (with our eventual garage band touring, well, inside the garage).

3. After 3 failed attempts to court 2 girls (yes, I was denied twice by the same girl, aaargh), I met Menchie and charmed my way (sorry, my article so my own interpretation of events ha ha)to her heart and we started dating when I was 19 years old and she was 16 years old (yes, I was guilty of brain washing a minor but for a very honorable intention, in my defense).

Years 21-30

1. My wife and I started our respective professional careers.

2. After 8 years of nurturing and enriching our relationship, we finally tied the unbreakable knot on April 11,1999. Oh, I will never forget the sweetest look and "yes" from my wife as we declare our solemn marital vows.

3. The first opportunity to work outside the country came and I took it with high-hopes that my wife and I can start our family in China.

Years 31-40

1. My wife and I were blessed with our first son Zek after 4 years of waiting. Our daughter Maia closely followed only to be abruptly taken back to heaven after just 22 months of her young life (it was our single most devastating and painful moment of our family life). Our youngest Aim is nearly 7 months old to this day.

2. As inspired by very good Catholic writers Fr. Jerry Orbos and Bro. Bo Sanchez, God's calling for me to use His given talent of writing to spread His message of love started. And so 4 years ago saw the birth of my blogging in "People, Places and Praises" that kept me writing my reflections and musings about God's personal messages in all the wonderful people I meet, in all the places and events that I continue to witness and be part of.

3. I enjoy every moment with my family (yes, including both ups and downs because as Rick Warren beautifully puts it, life is like travelling on a railroad track - one side representing good experiences and the other bad moments yet both essential to make the travel in this so called life).

Thank you, Lord, for the forty meaningful years of my life.

Thank you, Lord, for loving me all these years despite my iniquities and frailties.

Looking forward, my goals for the next 10 years shall be, but not limited to:

1. I will keep an open and obedient heart to God's prodding no matter how illogical it may seem, as long as it will serve His divine purpose for my family.

2. I will keep my family together no matter what.

3. I will grow my financial literacy to make a few sound investments that hopefully will grow so that my family can remain good stewards of His blessings to benefit others in need.

4. I will become a semi-vegetarian (means zero pork and beef already) to compensate for my lack of physical activity.

5. I will continue to write for God's glory.

Surely 40 years is not the age for the dreaded and cynically termed mid-life crisis but it is the beginning of great things and abundant blessings yet to come.

Here I am, Lord.

Purify my heart and intentions.

Lead me always so that I may be able to lead others to you as well.


Just for fun, I googled-up some significant biblical events relating to the number forty and the results were:

- Before the temptation of Christ, Jesus fasted for "forty days and forty nights" in the Judean desert.

- Forty days was the period from the resurrection of Jesus to His ascension.

- In modern Christian practice, Lent consists of the 40 days preceding Easter.

- In the Old Testament, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights in the great flood in which all land living being perished except those on Noah's ark.

It's a good company of number 40's to be with. :)