
Billionaire Talk

Two years ago, Warren Buffet, the second richest billionaire in the world donated a cosmic 38 billion USD to the foundation of Bill Gates, who incidentally at that time was the richest person in the world. That 38 billion represented more than half of his net asset at that period.

But have you heard about the 2008 billionaire listing?

Warren Buffet, according to Forbes, is now considered the richest person.
He overtook Bill Gates who is now “just” third place in the list after 13 years on the top. A Mexican mogul is at second place.

How exactly did he get richer after donating such amount is a stupefying wonder for an average person like me.

In my own simple mind, however, I can understand why it happened to Mr. Buffet.
He gave much and so he is receiving more, shaken, pressed down and overflowing.

Skeptics (I am raising my hand as I write this) will contend that his donation, though in the billions, is nowhere near the exhortation of biblical sharing of giving your all, your total means of living, your bread for the day (read: Luke 21:1-4 The widow and her two coins).

But who can honestly say this to himself that, “On my next paycheck, I will give 50% of my salary to a friend who will visit the orphanage nearby.” (This time I am keeping my hands down firmly on my keyboard). His billions would help vaccinate children from poor countries and provide them with good education. His remaining billions is not on glass display either but is used to run his many businesses that employs and supports thousands of people.

Yes, Warren Buffet is rich.
But generosity is not a by-product of richness.
You can be a poor person and not generous.
You can be an average person and still not generous.
You can be rich person and still not generous.

Generosity stems from the spirit of kindness within us.

Warren Buffet is both a kind and rich person.
Let us give him that.

A short prayer:
Lord, please teach me to be more kind, to share my blessings to those in need whether I am cash-strapped or cashful. Amen.

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