After nearly 21 years of togetherness, it is really amazing how much I still discovers a lot about my lovely wife. These things, amongst others, reinforces the widely-accepted and age-old adage that marriage should be a lifetime of discovery and re-discovery between two people committed to love each other.
MissGyver is in the Kitchen
I don’t exactly know how she does it but I hardly find any left-over food being thrown into our garbage bin. She brought the idea of Pinoy idiom “pangat” to a whole new different level. It starts with the main dish in day one and a “modified” dish into another until the main dish becomes a side ingredient of another main viand. Let me give you an example – think about a Hainanese chicken (China steamed-style dish), which can become a fried-chicken the next day and a “mix-sahog” to a palatable minced veggie for its final destiny. She can fix up my sandwich with just about anything (ok, maybe not with a bitter gourd) and I will honestly find it tasteful. I swear, if there is such a thing as "sprinkled with love" ingredients, then my wife definitely has a kitchen-full of those.
Teacher Par Excellence
Our eldest son is a home-schooled kid the past three years and I can say with utmost sincerity and certainty that my wife has done an excellent task of that. Despite her overwhelmed and difficult moments of taking care of the kids and house-hold chores at the same time, I can testify that seeing our son learning to read and understand English, tackling math problems, taking interest in science projects and partaking in lots of artworks and extra-curricular activities, not to mention, his oh-uninterruptible queries and stories. Nobody can take credit for all these achievements but my wife and son altogether.
Coffee-Mates Forever
She never liked coffee until she started working for the bank and she has undoubtedly influenced a few years ago. She’d surprised me with a sweet cake or brownie to go with it and we would spend the next minutes talking about anything under the moon (yes, we have our coffee time as a recap night-time activity). She will tell me how her day went with the kids. She will ask about my work and I will just smile ( because I made a long-time self-promise that all work-related problems stay outside the front door, so she does not need to worry more about me) and just give her an overview of my day. As we sip our last, she will sometimes complain about how her back-aches (imagine three general anesthesia in three CS operation in a span of 7 years) is torturing her. This will eventually lead us to….
Mom Masseuse
She loves it when I give her a gentle massage to relieve her aching back. But never to be outdone, she will reciprocate my actions by massaging my face and head which I must admit relaxes me so much that I could sleep then and there :D. Her gentle hands can also calm down our two kids after a hyper-activity and after they have taken their baths.
So to my ever-loving and caring wife, Menchie, you know that the three men (well, actually it is a man and two smaller men) in your life loves you deeply in our most endearing (and maybe sometimes crazy) ways. And we thank you for your patience, perseverance and all those little big things that you do to look after us and take care of us.
We love you.
We want nothing less than happiness and fulfillment in your life.
Happy Valentines Day!
The Purpose of Salt
My over-a-year old phone (brand withheld) does not belong yet to the new genre of smart-phones proliferating the tech-lode shops of today but I can say that all my personal needs for a handy phone are still met.
Phone Calls
WAP ready
Music in 2G card memory
Built-In Camera / Video / Sound recording
Alarm / Timer
Call logs
Long-life battery
Personalized settings
One day, I accidentally drop it on a rocky surface and so it suffered an “amnesia”. All call logs and history were gone and the phone book addresses are totally erased so I have to reload them, which happens unfortunately at least three times a day. I dismissed these as just shock glitches due to its fall.
On the third day after its fall, the personalized settings were changed back to default but some call logs were now appearing. The phone book is still forgetful though. But since the most important function of all – making calls and sending SMS were still intact, I told mys elf that it is still usable.
The axe came down on the fifth day – there is no more network connection, no SMS function or no incoming and outgoing calls is possible. My colleague sent me an important SMS and I never received it. Another colleague was calling me and just receive a voice prompt that my mobile is allegedly “off”. Our company boss was also calling me from overseas to no avail.
So now it is as simple as that - because my mobile phone has turned into nothing else but a handy alarm/calculator/camera gadget - it should now go. And to make things worst, even its own original-brand battery pack was not recognized anymore by its charger. It is just a matter of minutes when my mobile phone will totally go “kaputt” on me.
Matthew 5:13 reminded us that“You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot."
The more we deviate from our heavenly design, the more meaningless and purpose-less our lives will become. We can brag about how much wealth we have accumulated, how many cars we are driving, how tranquil and beautiful our place of residency is and how many investments we are earning money from. We can claim all of life's successes in terms of educational excellence, peer accolades and honor and plaques of recognition. Like in today's smart-phones, these are all but features and additional functions of our life-design.
So what is our main purpose then, our ultimate rationale for living?
When one scholar of the Jewish law asked Jesus what is the greatest commandment, he was actually asking about the main foundation of our existence.
And so Jesus answered him, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39)
Have we gone astray from these two powerful and life-fulfilling tenets of living?
Then we have become like salt that have lost its taste.
Dear Friends, this coming Lenten season is yet another opportune time to make good self-examination of conscience and realignment of our priorities in life. And by the grace of God, we should all come again to this realization and renewed commitment - Loving God is foremost and loving humanity is top-most. Everything else will just follow.
God bless.
Phone Calls
WAP ready
Music in 2G card memory
Built-In Camera / Video / Sound recording
Alarm / Timer
Call logs
Long-life battery
Personalized settings
One day, I accidentally drop it on a rocky surface and so it suffered an “amnesia”. All call logs and history were gone and the phone book addresses are totally erased so I have to reload them, which happens unfortunately at least three times a day. I dismissed these as just shock glitches due to its fall.
On the third day after its fall, the personalized settings were changed back to default but some call logs were now appearing. The phone book is still forgetful though. But since the most important function of all – making calls and sending SMS were still intact, I told mys elf that it is still usable.
The axe came down on the fifth day – there is no more network connection, no SMS function or no incoming and outgoing calls is possible. My colleague sent me an important SMS and I never received it. Another colleague was calling me and just receive a voice prompt that my mobile is allegedly “off”. Our company boss was also calling me from overseas to no avail.
So now it is as simple as that - because my mobile phone has turned into nothing else but a handy alarm/calculator/camera gadget - it should now go. And to make things worst, even its own original-brand battery pack was not recognized anymore by its charger. It is just a matter of minutes when my mobile phone will totally go “kaputt” on me.
Matthew 5:13 reminded us that“You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot."
The more we deviate from our heavenly design, the more meaningless and purpose-less our lives will become. We can brag about how much wealth we have accumulated, how many cars we are driving, how tranquil and beautiful our place of residency is and how many investments we are earning money from. We can claim all of life's successes in terms of educational excellence, peer accolades and honor and plaques of recognition. Like in today's smart-phones, these are all but features and additional functions of our life-design.
So what is our main purpose then, our ultimate rationale for living?
When one scholar of the Jewish law asked Jesus what is the greatest commandment, he was actually asking about the main foundation of our existence.
And so Jesus answered him, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39)
Have we gone astray from these two powerful and life-fulfilling tenets of living?
Then we have become like salt that have lost its taste.
Dear Friends, this coming Lenten season is yet another opportune time to make good self-examination of conscience and realignment of our priorities in life. And by the grace of God, we should all come again to this realization and renewed commitment - Loving God is foremost and loving humanity is top-most. Everything else will just follow.
God bless.
He Waits
This coming February 22 will be Ash Wednesday, the auspicious start of our Lenten season. These coming days should beckon us to see the Lord’s smile through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Last year, our youngest son Aim was born on May 15th.
I was there ( I would not miss it for the world ) but due to my limited holiday leave, I had to go back to China.
So after four months when I came home again to fetch them, I was apprehensive that Aim would not be comfortable in my presence to even let me carry him. My wife’s often repeated stories of how he cried whenever an unfamiliar person comes near him to play or even greet him, was compounding my worries.
But lo and behold, the moment our baby saw me, he gave me that sweetest smile and he readily welcomed my embrace and kisses. My distance and long absence did not alienate me from my son. It was as if I was gone for just a few minutes and he was waiting in anticipation.
Yes, this is one of the rewards and perks of fatherhood!
We all know that at some point in our lives, we have lived far from our Heavenly Father.
Whether it was pride or the feeling of unworthiness has led us to be on that state, we drifted ay from his presence.
By the time we realized and admit to our faults, we somehow lost the confidence to believe that we are still forgivable, that we are still very much lovable.
So here’s the good news for us, repentant sinners.
God loves us endlessly, enormously, unconditionally and sweetly that if we come back to Him anytime with a humble and contrite heart, not a single iota of our past sins can alienate His divine mercy which He faithfully gives to each one of us. He readily welcomes us with His own embrace and kiss. His forgiveness permeate into our soul and whole being, resulting to us being able to feel His innermost presence called God’s peace.
Yes, this is the saving grace and blessings of being God’s children!
Praise God for His love and mercy!
Psalm 136:1 "Praise the LORD for he is good; for his mercy endures forever."
Cathechism of the Catholic Church about the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
CCC 1468 - "The whole power of the sacrament of Penance consists in restoring us to God's grace and joining us with him in an intimate friendship." Reconciliation with God is thus the purpose and effect of this sacrament. For those who receive the sacrament of Penance with contrite heart and religious disposition, reconciliation "is usually followed by peace and serenity of conscience with strong spiritual consolation." Indeed the sacrament of Reconciliation with God brings about a true "spiritual resurrection," restoration of the dignity and blessings of the life of the children of God, of which the most precious is friendship with God.
CCC 1469 -This sacrament reconciles us with the Church. Sin damages or even breaks fraternal communion. The sacrament of Penance repairs or restores it. In this sense it does not simply heal the one restored to ecclesial communion, but has also a revitalizing effect on the life of the Church which suffered from the sin of one of her members. Re-established or strengthened in the communion of saints, the sinner is made stronger by the exchange of spiritual goods among all the living members of the Body of Christ, whether still on pilgrimage or already in the heavenly homeland.
Last year, our youngest son Aim was born on May 15th.
I was there ( I would not miss it for the world ) but due to my limited holiday leave, I had to go back to China.
So after four months when I came home again to fetch them, I was apprehensive that Aim would not be comfortable in my presence to even let me carry him. My wife’s often repeated stories of how he cried whenever an unfamiliar person comes near him to play or even greet him, was compounding my worries.
But lo and behold, the moment our baby saw me, he gave me that sweetest smile and he readily welcomed my embrace and kisses. My distance and long absence did not alienate me from my son. It was as if I was gone for just a few minutes and he was waiting in anticipation.
Yes, this is one of the rewards and perks of fatherhood!
We all know that at some point in our lives, we have lived far from our Heavenly Father.
Whether it was pride or the feeling of unworthiness has led us to be on that state, we drifted ay from his presence.
By the time we realized and admit to our faults, we somehow lost the confidence to believe that we are still forgivable, that we are still very much lovable.
So here’s the good news for us, repentant sinners.
God loves us endlessly, enormously, unconditionally and sweetly that if we come back to Him anytime with a humble and contrite heart, not a single iota of our past sins can alienate His divine mercy which He faithfully gives to each one of us. He readily welcomes us with His own embrace and kiss. His forgiveness permeate into our soul and whole being, resulting to us being able to feel His innermost presence called God’s peace.
Yes, this is the saving grace and blessings of being God’s children!
Praise God for His love and mercy!
Psalm 136:1 "Praise the LORD for he is good; for his mercy endures forever."
Cathechism of the Catholic Church about the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
CCC 1468 - "The whole power of the sacrament of Penance consists in restoring us to God's grace and joining us with him in an intimate friendship." Reconciliation with God is thus the purpose and effect of this sacrament. For those who receive the sacrament of Penance with contrite heart and religious disposition, reconciliation "is usually followed by peace and serenity of conscience with strong spiritual consolation." Indeed the sacrament of Reconciliation with God brings about a true "spiritual resurrection," restoration of the dignity and blessings of the life of the children of God, of which the most precious is friendship with God.
CCC 1469 -This sacrament reconciles us with the Church. Sin damages or even breaks fraternal communion. The sacrament of Penance repairs or restores it. In this sense it does not simply heal the one restored to ecclesial communion, but has also a revitalizing effect on the life of the Church which suffered from the sin of one of her members. Re-established or strengthened in the communion of saints, the sinner is made stronger by the exchange of spiritual goods among all the living members of the Body of Christ, whether still on pilgrimage or already in the heavenly homeland.
Family Time
"Daddy, I want to go to London.”, my seven year old son blurted out.
"Sure", I said interestingly, "But why London?"
Without batting an eyelash, Zek answered, "Because I want to be a police there."
"Really? why be a London police?"
"Because they have beautiful police cars!", he shouted with a big smile on his face.
"OK, that's cool."
"And after you have your beautiful London police car, what will you do next?", quizzing up our conversation a little bit more.
Zek paused for a while. "Well, I will chase the bad guys in their car but I can easily catch them because my car is faster, right Daddy?"
"I am sure you will, Zek".
"What else will you do in London?"
Thinking further he declared, "OK, I will also have my own beautiful car and I will let you come to London and use it, if you are not too old."
"What if I am too old by that time?"
"Then, I will drive for you." Zek said with a smile.
"So you will let Daddy and Mommy join you in London?" obviously intrigue by his revelation.
"Yes, and you can stay in my hotel room and somebody will clean it for you everyday".
"Wow, who will pay your hotel room?"
"By myself." he assured.
"Now that's gonna be expensive."
"OK Daddy, then I will just go to New York", as he paused, "is it far?"
"Hmm, it should be around one day to go there by airplane."
"Do you think you can ride the airplane that long, I mean, are you not going to be afraid?"
"Ahhh, maybe a little bit", not sounding too sure this time.
"But I want to go to New York so I am not afraid"
"I am glad to hear that.", as I give Zek my own version of a happy and proud smile.
This conversation lasted for a few minutes only but it was another memorable time for us since our son has tried to express his thoughts and his dreams to me and my wife. OK, he likes cars ever since, often see the names of London and New York in the news weather report and he plays the Iphone game of police car chase. These explain his initial ideas. But to be invited to go to London or New York and drive his car and stay in his hotel room was just our son expressing his love for his parents. It was a mushy moving moment for me to hear that from him totally un-coached.
So when was the last time you let you child speak his/her heart out to you?
Spend some family time and catch that moment with them.
I bet you will enjoy every minute and you will heartily be rewarded.
Family time is loving time.
"Because you are precious to me and honored, I love you." - Isaiah 43:3
God bless.
"Sure", I said interestingly, "But why London?"
Without batting an eyelash, Zek answered, "Because I want to be a police there."
"Really? why be a London police?"
"Because they have beautiful police cars!", he shouted with a big smile on his face.
"OK, that's cool."
"And after you have your beautiful London police car, what will you do next?", quizzing up our conversation a little bit more.
Zek paused for a while. "Well, I will chase the bad guys in their car but I can easily catch them because my car is faster, right Daddy?"
"I am sure you will, Zek".
"What else will you do in London?"
Thinking further he declared, "OK, I will also have my own beautiful car and I will let you come to London and use it, if you are not too old."
"What if I am too old by that time?"
"Then, I will drive for you." Zek said with a smile.
"So you will let Daddy and Mommy join you in London?" obviously intrigue by his revelation.
"Yes, and you can stay in my hotel room and somebody will clean it for you everyday".
"Wow, who will pay your hotel room?"
"By myself." he assured.
"Now that's gonna be expensive."
"OK Daddy, then I will just go to New York", as he paused, "is it far?"
"Hmm, it should be around one day to go there by airplane."
"Do you think you can ride the airplane that long, I mean, are you not going to be afraid?"
"Ahhh, maybe a little bit", not sounding too sure this time.
"But I want to go to New York so I am not afraid"
"I am glad to hear that.", as I give Zek my own version of a happy and proud smile.
This conversation lasted for a few minutes only but it was another memorable time for us since our son has tried to express his thoughts and his dreams to me and my wife. OK, he likes cars ever since, often see the names of London and New York in the news weather report and he plays the Iphone game of police car chase. These explain his initial ideas. But to be invited to go to London or New York and drive his car and stay in his hotel room was just our son expressing his love for his parents. It was a mushy moving moment for me to hear that from him totally un-coached.
So when was the last time you let you child speak his/her heart out to you?
Spend some family time and catch that moment with them.
I bet you will enjoy every minute and you will heartily be rewarded.
Family time is loving time.
"Because you are precious to me and honored, I love you." - Isaiah 43:3
God bless.
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