
A Christian Challenge – Love First

A 5-year old girl and her elder sister were playing near a riverbank when the elder one slipped into it. Luckily, she was able to hold into a rock but nevertheless is slowly loosing her grip.

Knowing that her strength is not enough to pull her up, the 5-year old ran to the main road to ask the help of 2 men who were passing by.

”You and your sister should have known better not to venture into that place,” one of them quipped. “It is too dangerous a place to play”.

”And who are you to tell these kids where they can play, you are crossing the line here,” disagreed the other.

”Well, I know for a fact that 2 children have drown in that same river the last 3 years. They should have at least worn a life vest if they really wanted to play there so their chances for survival after an accidental fall into the river will be high,” the first man replied , “Doesn’t your parents remind you about safety?”

”Oh, my parents taught me better than that. They also brought me up knowing how to keep my opinions to myself unless solicited?” answered the second.

”Well, I am sorry for you, because my parents are never mistaken when it comes to safety matters. They are leading authority figures and have vast knowledge and training regarding these things,” the first man proudly beamed, “Keeping silent will not educate anybody how to be safety-conscious.”

”Even if it is true, you still have no right to reprimand these kids and impose your knowledge on them,” concludes the second man.

Meanwhile, as the friendly exchange was going on in front of the bewildered and confused 5-year old, the elder girl has finally lost her grip and fell into the flowing cold water of the river.

She drowned.

”The smallest act of kindness is greater than all the grandest intention put together” - unknown

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