

Imagine this:

You were soundly sleeping when a tape was suddenly wrapped into your mouth and you were blind-folded. Your hands were tied and moving is not possible. In the background, you can hear some voices but couldn’t make out something from it. Fear envelops your whole body and you can only pray to God for his protection. Then, there was silence. Only your heartbeat is left audible for you. Suddenly, you feel a hard pinch into your head, then into your torso, and down into your legs and feet. You can feel the pain and wanted to cry out for help but you cannot. And seemingly unmindful of your pain, the pinching continues and is becoming harder each time, really hard on one point that you heard your ankle breaks. By this time, you have realized that somebody is bent on harming you and all you can do is pray and hope you will be saved. And then it stopped. Seconds..minutes have gone and nothing happened.
Then you heard the voices again, and a particular one is crying. You are sure you have heard that voice before but just could not remember where and when. The worst is over, as you try to comfort yourself.

Then all of a sudden, the pinching started again. By this time, it has grown harder and stronger and you felt the cold chill down your spine. Your shoulder starts to break, and your head is like a balloon ready to burst. You start to gasp for air as your chest is being crushed by the brute force pressing on it. Amidst all these pain, you struggle and do all movements to free yourself but to no avail. They are stronger. They control the situation. And your body starts to become weak. You wanted to fight for your life but you realize that it is all over. They will have their way with you and you can only pray to God to be with you in your dying moment.

You started to cry as you slowly lose your consciousness. You try to open up your eyes one last time and you saw that the blind-fold was slightly removed. And through the tear-drench cloth you saw 5 persons in the same room with you. One old lady was washing her hands off with some red stain. One couple were dressed in white and standing a few feet away. Another guy is standing near the door. But the last person startled you. You could not believe what you are seeing. Your mother is there sitting beside your bed! The familiar cry you heard a while ago was from your own mother! Questions simultaneously gush in, “Who are these people with my mother? What did they do to me? Why did my mother let them harm me?”. And you slowly start to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Now you feel your life slipping away and the only thing you can finally think of is, “Dear God, please forgive my mother and these people for taking my life”. You breathe your last.

The reality is:

We could never really feel the pain and suffering these millions of unborn children undergo but we can be their voice in their fight for their right to live. We must not show indifference to their plight because each time an abortion takes place, a part of our humanity dies with them. Do not be silent. Do not make rationalizations and excuses. Do not turn a blind eye when you are witnessing one unfold in front of you. Let us help them reach the full-life that God has planned for them.

Do not succumb to cowardice.
Do not be like me.
I was once the other guy standing near the door.

Only God’s mercy saved me and gave me the chance to repent and keep my humanity.
Please do not make the same mistake that I did.

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