
TWINKLE - for my niece Maia

Welcome to the world.

Welcome to the Santos family.

Welcome to God's family.

Even before you were born, when you were just a twinkle,You were already longed for and loved by your mommy and daddy and Kuya ZekAnd now here you are - little fingers, little toes, big eyes, button nose, so lovely and cuddly. The twinkle is now a full blown star in our midst! And what joy you bring. What promise you hold in your hands. You who's innocence - is God's love manifested.Every baby is a miracle but you are OUR SPECIAL MIRACLE.

One day, I will see you. I will hold you in my arms and kiss you too. But for now because there are seas and mountains between us, I will ask God to send His angels and they will take a kiss and a hug from you. And when the angels have done that,I will plead for them to hurry back to me. So that they can give me their precious bundle. And I will put the the kiss and the hug in this thing that beat inside me. It will keep me going until that one day - when I see you, precious one.

My dearest Maia,

I love you.

Tita Ela

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