
E.R. in real life

Last night I watched the TV drama series “ER” with 2 cases of unwanted pregnancies and the overwhelming opinions of some doctors that abortion is a rightful option of any mother-to-be. It emphasized the medical field’s general belief that a fetus below 3 months has no life yet. It is nothing but a “lump of blood and meat” that can be discarded to give way to the “right” of the mother.

One character portraying a male Christian doctor even used a Genesis passage that God breathe life to Adam as a man and not as a fetus to convince the 15-year old Christian girl that it is OK and to make her feel comfortably blameless in terminating her 7 week fetus. What is worse is that the same doctor gave the girl an abortion method that will appear to be a miscarriage in order that her parents (devout Christians who made known their intention to keep the baby) will never know about the abortion.

The other mother-to-be was another female doctor from the same hospital who got pregnant by (guess who?) the same male doctor. Of course, (and you bet he would!) he supports the idea of abortion even on his very own child in the womb. All for the sake of their convenience and professional careers.(note: sorry for telling you the whole story because, anyway, these TV shows are hard to find in rentable DVDs if there are any at all )

In the end however, the female doctor, while being overcome by her mother’s love and conscience, decided to keep her baby.

The question for us is this: Is this just a fictional story or real life stories trying to pass themselves on as scripts?

For me, they are very real.

Abortion is really an abomination and it happens everyday in hundreds and thousands of cases around the world. The mother and child are both victims here perpetuated by those people who have total disrespect for God and the sanctity of human life.

Twice in the past, I have been given the chance to stand up for a child to be aborted and twice I have failed. The first time was a very passive and almost indifferent reaction from me. And the second one was a slow non-engaging response to convince the father-to-be not to go ahead with their planned abortion. Both situations ended in innocent souls being deprived of their lives even before they were even born.

These experiences continue to haunt me these days especially when reading, hearing or watching abortion cases like last night.Now I can only pray for these 2 mothers and fathers who went ahead with the abortions, the doctor and the “hilot” who facilitated the murders and the coward people like me who did not give these children enough voices to fight for their inalienable and divine right to live.

Please offer a prayer of forgiveness and total healing for us in this regard.
And may God have mercy on our souls.

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