
How is God calling us to serve

This inspiring WFT reflection was forwarded by a cousin in New Zealand. It is a timely reminder for anyone of us who may still be trying to figure out what God really meant us for in this world. Only a handful has experienced St. Paul's flash-of-lightning conversion and discipleship. For most of us, it is a "Moses journey", appearing long and tedious, at times daunting, some mysterious and for some, even a flat-out venture into the unknown.

It is extremely comforting to know that God has been with us through all these long waits and that He can turn every experience in between useful for His purpose. So regardless if the worldly problems we have nowadays are crushing our shoulders to smithereens they will all be useful to God if we let Him be.

Who can better understand and counsel rehabilitating alcoholics or addicts than those who at one time or another been an alcoholic or addict themselves.Who are the most convincing speakers of Pro-Life advocates? They are those who have regretted having committed abortions themselves.Who are those people who can forgive freely? They are who know and felt how it is to be forgiven by God.Medical miracle inspirations? Ask any healed cancer patients.Feeling alone? Listen to a widow’s story.

Even Jesus chose to experience becoming like one of us and to physically suffer, so each single one of us can feel His work of salvation.

Have a blessed day.

The Word for Today

Thursday, November 30th, 2006
Used By God
It is God himself who has made us what we are.Ephesians 2:10 TLBLook at how God prepared Moses and you'll understand how He prepares us.
(1) He begins with your character, then works on your calling. Usually this begins in obscurity. In Moses' case God spent 40 years tearing down the old structure and rebuilding it from the ground up. Those years in the wilderness must have seemed unending. Yet it was during this time that he encountered God in the burning bush and learned to know the voice of God from every other voice. How valuable is that? Especially when you're working with stubborn, opinionated people.
(2) He never wastes experience. If Moses hadn't been raised in the palace Pharaoh would probably have viewed him as some crazy shepherd with a bad case of sunstroke and killed him. But his past prepared him for his future. Because of his desert training he was able to protect and lead Israel through the Sinai wasteland. And the very fact that he'd been born into slavery gave him the compassion to say yes to such a task. So, don't run from your past - learn from it!
(3) He'll give you an emotional investment in the work He's called you to. How ironic, Pharaoh ordered the death of every Hebrew male under two, yet he was raising one in his own palace who would liberate Israel and bring down his throne. The Israelites weren't some unknown group; they were Moses' own people. Their cries had echoed in his ears for 40 years, now he was willing to lay down his life for them. That's what it takes to be used by God - an emotional investment.

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